Learnings from a seasoned NYC business traveller

1/20/2014 4:12:05 PM

Most business travellers with some experience in New York will probably agree. It can be a difficult place, dirty, noisy, frantic and a bit expensive. But it is also one of greatest business cities in the world, as well as the creative center of the world… On Entrepreneur.com, Bruce Schoenfeld (editor of Travel + Leisure), offered his learnings about NYC to business travellers.

Learnings from a seasoned NYC business travellerBased on his 20+ years of experience, Bruce offers four pieces of invaluable advice. To him, the city requires a different mindset. First: this city is like a foreign country. In terms of cuisine, language and money. “Expect to pay more for goods and services in London or Tokyo, so do the same in New York. If you escape from a business dinner for two for less than $250, consider yourself lucky. Especially if you're in midtown.”

Second: geography matters. Schoenfeld: “Like all great cities, New York isn't a single place. When deciding on lodging or setting up meetings, pick the area that suits your needs, keeping in mind that there's a neighborhood for everything.”

Third: “That $300 hotel room just isn't going to be as big as the one you stayed in last month for half the price in Kansas City.” And finally: do raise your expectations. “Don't waste your New York hours doing anything but (a) being fabulously productive or (b) having the time of your life. See a show. Eat a magnificent dinner.”

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