
Travellers willing to pay for sustainable travel

Sustainability concerns are becoming increasingly important for travelers when making their travel decisions – they are even willing to pay for sustainable options. Also, education on environmental impact and sustainable technology in the aviation industry is important to passengers.


SimpleFlying reports that the trend is that sustainability is a significant factor for travelers when making travel decisions. However, it is not the sole consideration, as comfort and convenience also play a crucial role. This suggests that there is a growing demand for sustainable travel options among passengers, but it must be balanced with other factors such as affordability and comfort.

Willingness to pay for sustainable travel

According to the Euromonitor Sustainability Index 2023 report, nearly 80% of travelers are willing to pay at least 10% extra for sustainable travel features. This indicates a significant portion of travelers prioritize sustainability, even amidst ongoing economic challenges.

Furthermore, the SITA Passenger Insight 2023 report highlights a growing interest among passengers in airlines harnessing technology to drive sustainability efforts. A notable increase is seen in the percentage of passengers acknowledging the importance of sustainable technology, rising from 52% in 2022 to 64%.

Interesting detail: passengers express a desire for airlines to educate them about the environmental effects of travel and the measures being taken by the industry to reduce environmental impact. Approximately half of the respondents in the SITA report expressed this desire, indicating a need for transparency and awareness regarding sustainability initiatives.

Perception of Industry Progress

More than half of passengers, SimpleFlying reports, perceive the air transport industry as making adequate progress toward achieving sustainability goals. This suggests that passengers are paying attention to the efforts being made by the industry to address environmental concerns.