Amsterdam Airport Schiphol switches to wind power

15/09/2017 9:40:35

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and the Eindhoven, Rotterdam and Lelystad airports in The Netherlands will run on wind power from next year. The electricity will be provided by wind farms based in The Netherlands.

The Royal Schiphol Group is the first airport group to run its operations exclusively on locally produced wind power. Together, the airports consume around 200GWh, which is comparable with the consumption of 60,000 households – about the size of the city of Delft.

The first new wind farm that will generate power for Royal Schiphol Group is Eneco’s Vianen park, which will be operational from January 2018. More wind farms will follow. Until the new wind farms are constructed, the power will come from existing sustainable energy sources in the Netherlands

Schiphol’s energy supplier Eneco states that it is "crucial for the energy transition that business — by far the largest energy consumer — achieves sustainability.” Eneco CEO Jeroen de Haas insists that companies “like Royal Schiphol Group are aware of new sustainable production and thus set the tone for the others.”


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