Here she comes – the female business traveller!

2014/12/09 15:16:24

Female business travel is expected to become more significant in the coming years, says a report by Skift and Buuteeq. Hoteliers and travel marketers should pay serious attention to this emerging segment, says the report.

Here she comes – the female business traveller!47 per cent of the women who travel, do so for business purposes, HotelREZ reports. The solo female traveller market has boomed. Amadeus regards female business travellers as one of the fastest growing sectors in travel. The technology giant is predicting a 400 per cent increase in international business trips taken by women from selected Asia Pacific countries between now and 2030.

Hoteliers can target this important group by offering a number of special features. The first and most important is security. The concept of offering female-only floors is not entirely new, but is still valid. What matters? A good room location, accessibility, bolts in doors.

Second on the wish list is technology. Female travellers want free Wi-Fi and lots of it. They are also incredibly social media savvy, actively sharing information with their extended network of family, friends and colleagues.

Third: easy online mobile booking. Smartphones are nowadays an integral part on gaining more bookings from female business travellers. The Women’s marketing Inc. report found that 46% of women look at their phones first thing in the morning, a habit is especially common to women who work full-time. In short: a hotel’s website and booking engine should be mobile compatible—and fast.

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