Bluesmart-travelator, GPS-enabled bag

2015/04/09 13:59:05

Bluesmart-travelator, GPS-enabled bagThe Bluesmart-travelator is probably the smartest carry-on travel bag on the planet. If you want it, you will have to wait for it, as a crowd funding campaign for the ‘world's first smart, connected carry-on’ raised $1,091,853 on Indiegogo. Production of this GPS-enabled bag will start in 2015.

The ‘smart bag’ is said to let itself found easier than any other bag after being lost on an airport baggage belt. No less than 21.8 million bags are mishandled by airlines and airports every month, according to SITA numbers.

The Bluesmart luggage – or is it a device? – connects to a mobile app that allows you to track the bag's proximity, digitally lock and unlock it, check the bag's weight, show travel data and track routes. A true GPS-tracked bag, with interesting additional features. For example, the bag has a battery in it that can be used to recharge six devices. Retail prices are currently $ 235 if you pre-order now.

This is not the first GPS-enabled bag for business travellers. Earlier, Airbus announced plans to create Bag2Go, luggage that can text you when it gets lost.

Image by Bluesmart

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