Business travel hardship #1: the smelly passenger

2018/06/27 9:03:43

Most business travellers regard flying as pleasurable. But on days that business travel is tough, what are the hardships? Ask business travellers and most will answer: smelly passengers.

Airport World reports that’s 'Passengers from Hell' survey shows that fellow passengers that don’t smell as fresh as you rank first in the complaints list. Second: children that are out of control.'s editor-in-chief, Geoffrey Thomas, says that runaway kids on planes are a clear nuisance. “Many parents think that the other 300 passengers on board are babysitters."

Passengers who recline their seat for a long time are ranked third in terms of irritating fellow travellers. Passenger who hog the armrest came in fourth. According to the survey, this is seen as the result of the ever-decreasing amount of space on planes and the increasing size of passengers. Passengers that carry a lot of baggage on board, often visit the toilets, that chat all the time and do exercises in the aisle are also high on the irritation list.

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