The future of air travel: longer, faster?

2016/03/07 14:25:21

How will air travel look in twenty to thirty years from now? There is no way to predict the future, but one thing is sure: a lot will have changed. Some trends of today will definitely play a role in the decades to come. listed some of the clear lines of development, like the possibility of batteries playing some role in air travel. The prediction: “The answer is they could be closer than people think. As the need to switch to cleaner fuels becomes more urgent, it's more and more likely that electric planes will become normal in skies all over the world.”

Other previews of the future: the range of aircraft will increase and flights will become longer. A flight from one side of the world to the next has long been a dream for airlines. Plane capacity will increase, offering the capacity to fly more people from A to B in one aircraft.

And: supersonic technology already exists and has been around in the Concorde. It may return in the future, allowing for shorter flying times.

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Image by Henrysalome, via Wikimedia Commons

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