The first voice-activated hotel room

13/09/2017 20:28:37

Imagine staying in a hotel room where Siri is your butler. She switches on the television for you, changes the channels and even dims the lights and closes the curtains. This hotel room is now reality; it is the first voice-activated hotel room by Aloft Hotels.

With the help of Apple’s Homekit and Siri, guests of this hotel can use hotel room facilities just by using their voice. Use your voice to switch on and off the lights and the TV, to play songs and even stream videos online. Guests can even change the room temperature, just by asking Siri.

Using the apps is easy. When you come in the room, you immediately get instructions on how to set up the feature through the TV screen. Siri will take around two minutes to recognize your voice. You can ask Siri to “relax” for the room to appear warmer and cosier, or “revive” if you want the lights to slowly turn on in the morning.

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Image by Aloft Hotels Hub

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