
Universal Hydrogen and ZeroAvia, pioneers in hydrogen aviation

Universal Hydrogen and ZeroAvia are two of the most advanced and successful pioneers in hydrogen-powered aircraft. ETN News reports that both startups retrofit regional aircraft with hydrogen fuel cell powertrains and aim for certification of their modified aircraft by 2025.

Image by Universal Hydrogen

According to the analysis, Universal Hydrogen and ZeroAvia lead the way in sustainable aviation with their hydrogen-powered aircraft innovations.

“To the US-based startup Universal Hydrogen, the 15-minute test flight earlier this year of a DHC Dash 8-300 aircraft powered partly by its retrofitted hydrogen fuel cell powertrain meant the start of a new beginning in the emerging era of zero-emission aviation”, ETN News reports.

First flight

ZeroAvia made news in early 2023 for similar reasons following the first flight of a Dornier 228 test aircraft it had retrofitted with a hydrogen-electric powertrain. “ZeroAvia's system”, ETN News writes, “consisting of two fuel cell systems and a lithium-ion battery pack, replaced one of the two engines on the turboprop model. The company's 2-5 MW powertrain program claims to scale the clean engine technology for up to 90-seat aircraft.”

Hydrogen, recognized as a game-changer, offers clean, cost-competitive solutions. Despite challenges, including storage and cost, the aviation industry anticipates a transformative shift towards hydrogen-based sustainable travel.