
Virgin Atlantic commits to sustainable supply chains

“At Virgin Atlantic, we focus on improving the people, environment and animal welfare credentials of the products and services we design, contract and buy.” This all-important promise is met by investing in Virgin Atlantic’s sustainable supply chains.

Airlines carry cargo, serve millions of meals and buy a huge array of things, from the large (like aircraft and fuel) to the small – such as headsets and napkins. The suppliers that contribute to Virgin Atlantic’s operation play an important part in making the supply chain as sustainable as possible – improving the people, environmental and animal welfare profile of the products and services that the airline designs and buys.

To make the supply chain operate in a sustainable way, Virgin Atlantic cooperates with EcoVadis, a collaborative platform that allows us to assess and encourage suppliers’ sustainability performance. Also, the airline requires its suppliers to work according to the Responsible Supplier Policy. This emphasises that the airlines focuses on “sourcing goods and services in a way that treats the people we work with, directly and indirectly, with respect and dignity and that minimises damage to the environment and natural resources, as well as improving animal welfare standards where this is relevant.”